Common Contributors to AC Repair Needs

Air conditioning problems can stem from minor issues, such as a dirty air filter, or major issues, such as a busted compressor. Minor issues can often be handled by the homeowner through simple tweaks; however, major issues call for professional assistance. AC experts will diagnose and explain the problem. They will then proceed with repairs to get the air conditioner back to quality performance. Common AC repairs generally revolve around:

Refrigerant leaks

AC repairRefrigerant is both particular and dangerous. It should always be handled by an expert AC technician and not a novice. If a leak exists, there is a good chance the AC unit was either overcharged or undercharged. Adding/subtracting refrigerant is a solution; however, the primary focus is fixing the leak. Once the leak is sealed, the expert will fill the refrigerant to the level recommended by the manufacturer.

Condenser Coils

There are many integral parts to an AC condenser. Namely, coils, fans, tubes, the motor and circuit board. Given all of these parts, the system could fail for many reasons. Repairs sometimes call for part replacement or simply cleaning of the unit’s parts. More often than not, any issues to the condenser can be resolved rather inexpensively.


The AC compressor is responsible for refrigerant flow. Without a fully functioning compressor, the unit will fail to cool the Waxahachie, TX home as desired. Dirty air filters and air ducts contribute to most compressor issues. Unfortunately, coils can become misaligned and suddenly you have yourself a problem in the middle of the hot Texas summer.

Capacitator or Contactor

The capacitator and contactor work together to relay electrical flow throughout all AC components. Of course, if an issue arises with either part, the system will malfunction and possibly not work at all. An AC expert will know what to do regarding such an issue. The assistance of an electrician may be required, but the problem should be resolved timely once diagnosed.

Condensate Drain Line

It is essential to keep the condensate drain line clean. This line connects the outdoor AC unit to the inside system. Because it runs partially outdoors, it is exposed to outdoor weather. If neglected, the condensate drain line can be overcome by algae and mold, causing it to clog. Worst case scenario, the evaporator/condenser relationship is compromised and the home floods.

Circuit Breakers

Circuit breakers function to protect the home’s electrical system from overloading. Thus, it is nothing to be fiddled with. A tripping circuit breaker is a sign of an electrical issue somewhere within the Waxahachie, TX home. Often times, the sign will lead to the air conditioner. Contact an AC technician and let him/her trace and fix the issue. DO NOT try to fix the breaker on your own. The moral of the story is anytime an issue comes about with your AC unit, rely on an AC repair company to look things over. Most air conditioning problems can be repaired without too much concern for replacement of the entire unit. The difficulty is finding the root of the problem. Area Wide Services can help! Give us a call at (903) 467-5620. Also, please visit our website——and our blog for additional helpful HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) input.

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