As the hot Texas summer fades into autumn, it’s time to begin preparing your home’s HVAC system for the coming winter months. Proper HVAC system maintenance before winter hits is crucial to ensuring it continues running efficiently and keeping your home comfortable during cold weather. 


At Area Wide Services, we love to help you keep your home comfortable and air quality clean. That all starts with regular maintenance. Before the cooler weather officially settles in on Corsicana, let’s review some key maintenance tasks homeowners should perform on their HVAC systems this fall. 


Implementing our pro HVAC tips can save you money on energy bills and expensive repairs down the road.

Change Air Filters

One of the most important maintenance jobs is to replace your HVAC air filters. Air filters gradually become loaded with dust, pet hair, pollen, and other particles over time. This restricts airflow, forcing your system to work harder to maintain comfort levels. Changing filters allows air to flow freely and reduces strain on the blower motor.


We recommend changing air filters every 1-3 months to save money on repairs and improve overall air quality. 


If you have pets or allergy sufferers in your home, aim for the shorter end of that timeframe. 


Check filters to see if they need to be changed more frequently. Be sure to use filters with the proper MERV rating recommended by your HVAC manufacturer. Higher MERV filters trap more airborne particles but also create more resistance.


If you have questions about your system’s MERV requirements, our professionals are always available to clear the air!

Clear Debris from the Condenser Unit

Outdoor AC condenser units are vulnerable to leaves, grass clippings, and other debris blowing or falling on top of them. This is especially true during the fall. 


Leaf and debris collection can obstruct airflow through the condenser coil, reducing efficiency. 


Carefully clean off any debris from the top and sides of the unit. Also, clear any plants or shrubs that have overgrown around it. Allow at least 2 feet of clearance on all sides for proper air circulation.


As an extra precaution, we recommend spreading some insect repellent around the unit so micro-ants don’t work their way in and leave you with damaged parts and inconvenient HVAC repairs.

Inspect Ductwork

Ensure ductwork is intact and sealed properly. Gaps or separations in ducts allow cooled air to escape in summer and heated air in winter. 


The ductwork that passes through uninsulated spaces like attics is especially prone to leakage. Covering exposed ducts with insulation reduces cooling loss and condensation.

Check Refrigerant Levels 

Your AC technician should periodically check refrigerant charges during routine maintenance.


Over time, refrigerant can slowly leak out due to worn seals. Too little refrigerant reduces cooling capacity and strains the compressor. 


Schedule a professional service if you suspect leaks. Never try adding refrigerant yourself, as the exact type and amount must be precisely calibrated for your system to function efficiently.

Clean Evaporator Coils

Dust buildup on the evaporator coils inside your furnace or air handler reduces their heat-absorption efficiency. 


Our HVAC technicians can carefully vacuum and brush the coils and provide deep cleaning with a spray wash every few years to remove embedded dirt. 


Staying on top of this maintenance need can significantly boost AC performance and longevity.

Inspect Humidifier 

If your system has a whole-house humidifier, examine the water panel or pad and replace it if needed per manufacturer instructions. 


Hard water deposits or sediment may clog the humidifier, reducing moisture output and decreasing the air quality in your home. 

Replace Furnace Filter 

Like your AC air handler, the furnace blower also has a filter that needs periodic changing. A dirty filter reduces airflow, resulting in uneven heating and higher energy consumption.


If your furnace filter has a reusable mesh screen, remove and wash it. For disposable filters, simply swap in a new one. Check your filter type and follow the recommended replacement intervals.

Clean Furnace Blower Components 


Over time, hair, dust, and other debris can accumulate on the blower motor, fan blades, and housing. 


Our preventive maintenance services can remove buildup on the fan blades that can cause imbalance, resulting in noise or mechanical issues.


If you have a condensing furnace, we can even clean the condensate drain tube to prevent overflow blockages.

Check for Gas Leaks

Review the gas connections leading to your furnace and water heater. Watch for signs of corrosion or loose fittings. 


You can perform a leak test by applying soapy water across the connections and looking for bubbles. 


Detecting and repairing minor gas leaks now prevents major disasters down the road. If you find a leak, shut off the gas to the appliance and call us for emergency service right away. 

Avoid Emergency Services With Professional Tune-Ups 

While DIY maintenance covers the basics, your HVAC system needs professional attention. 


Schedule seasonal tune-ups and inspections to keep your units running in peak condition. 


Our technicians will check for potential problems you might have, such as refrigerant leaks or blower motor issues. We can perform deeper cleaning and adjustments for optimal performance going into winter.


Let us save you from a stressful emergency service situation down the road.

Keep Up With Your HVAC Maintenance Through Area Wide Services

Following these key maintenance tips will ensure your home stays comfortable and energy-efficient all season long. 


Performing regular upkeep also reduces the need for costly emergency repairs down the road. Invest a little time now and reap significant long-term benefits. 


At Area Wide Services, we bring the professional maintenance services you need to ensure a comfortable fall and winter.


Contact us today to schedule your next maintenance service or repair. We’re here to help you make the most of your HVAC system year-round.

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